Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh Come On, Already!

Two months ago I was anxious for winter to move on out. Last month I enjoyed a couple teaser days in the high sixties before less enjoyable temperatures reasserted themselves. Well, spring is finally here and, rather than camping, I'm still huddled in layers of clothing only now it's raining, too. The title of this post represents the precise words that came out of my mouth when, just one day after some promising sun and warmth, I glanced out the window for probably the 18th time today to see it still raining.

And not the kind of rain we enjoy, either. It isn't full of power and emotion like a summer thunderstorm. Oh, no. Wouldn't want something that, while still inconvenient, we could at least label as "cool." No, this is that half-assed, persistant, non-stop, dreary, mind-numbing, depressing kind of rain that makes you want to slash your wrists if you're even mildly predisposed to depression.

And it doesn't help that I'm soon to be unemployed. Don't worry, I'm not about to cry about it. I'm support staff for a large company that's selling all its business units and I've been in the industry long enough to know that we're always the first to go. But I'm hardly alone in this economy and the last thing the blogosphere needs is another crying unemployed idiot who was dumb enough to believe that hard work and corporate loyalty would somehow pay off. Kids, it doesn't. Hard work is its own reward and you should reserve loyalty for your friends and family. You'll certainly never get it returned by a company.

But my point is, with looming unemployment and crap weather that seems determined not to let go at all costs, I'm reaching the end of my rope. I just want a warm, sunny day full of singing birds and a dash of hope on a gentle breeze. I want to be outside enjoying nature without being sopping wet and miserable while I'm doing it. And I want it yesterday.

So to all of you suffering the same frustration, the same wavering hope, the same sinking sensation in your souls, I say; hang on. Just a little while longer. There's a job out there for us if we work hard enough for it. It won't rain forever. And spring..., not chronological spring but real spring full of flowers and sunlight and critters chirping as they get naughty with one another, is right around the corner. Do what I'm going to do and repack your camping gear. Inventory everything and make a list of what you'd like to update, add or improve.

Then go look out the window again (for the 19th time now) and grumble a bit.

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